
Dance "IN" Possible V: 101 performance accomplished!

The performance of Dance "IN" Possible V: 101 has been accomplished on 23 & 24 April at Studio Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Y-Space would like to thank you everyone's supports, including the creative & production team, volunteers, friends and audience, especially the interview guests who spent times to chat with Victor and Mandy...!

In the exploration of Victor Choi-wo Ma and Mandy Ming-yin Yim as in the project of 101 will continue…! Also, 101+2 will continue as private dance performances for anyone who would like to dance with Mandy and Victor. Please stay tuned with us!


Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama 2016 (TPAM) 之海報。

TPAM exchange in Yokohama

This February, Artisitc Director, and Outreach and Education Director of Y-Space, Victor and Mandy were invited to visit Yokohama, and participated in exchange programmes in TPAM, the world-known performing arts platform for International and Asian artists and organisation.


Y-Space 2016 Membership

The membership fee is free-of-charge this year. If you wish to join, please visit following link for registration. For those member of previous years, please update your information and contact!


Y-Space Dance Classes

“Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.” – Pina Bausch

Every Monday:
19:00-20:30 Stretching
20:30-22:00 Modern (Elementary)
Every Thursday:
19:00-20:30 Modern (Intermediate)
20:30-22:00 Ballet (Intermediate)

Register & Enquiry: 2470 0511/ office@y-space.org




T: 2470 0511 / F: 3019 2259
E: office@y-space.org
Facebook: 「多空間」Y-Space
Whatsapp: 6143 8986