Y-Space Newsletter 2020 #12

Recapping "Matches"


(Only in Chinese)

「多空間」25週年全新舞蹈劇場《球賽》,原定於2020年4月假香港文化中心舉行。銀禧演出,自然隆重其事,「香港夢幻球隊」2019年12月埋班,當時陣容鼎盛,包括遊歷多國參加舞蹈節的黎貴諾、舞蹈年獎得主楊怡孜、首次自編自演已獲提名多個舞蹈獎項的莫嫣、倫敦當代舞蹈學院碩士畢業的盧敬燊、與本地多個中小型舞團合作的廖向民及「多空間」駐團台柱,藝高人膽大的嚴明然。樂師方面,舞圑特邀著明世界級阿根庭手風琴演奏家小川紀美代由日本遠渡來港參與演出,再加上創作音樂人曾永曦 (鋼琴) 及梁卓堃 (敲擊兼音樂總監)兩位本地薑左右互航。2019年12月上旬,舞蹈主將已開始各式球類活動特訓,舞蹈室成了運動室。
12月16日,舞台攝影師張志偉在多空間舞蹈創作室拍攝宣傳照,這階段的宣傳照...... (全文見「多空間」網頁)


Feedback from audiences



---The long story, the big stage, musicians, and the continued energy of the camera were impressive.  Above all, I was moved by the energy of the beautiful dancers. Beautiful performance !


Organic Movement and Transformation Training (OMTT)


We are approaching the each of first semester of OMTT 2020-2021! Over the past 4 months, students have explored the use of body and senses. By linking the new knowledge to their own experiences, they are starting to build their own body languages. Let's look forward to how they are going to put their knowledge in use In the upcoming second semester.


Crossing Border | Border Crossing 2020


Y-Space was invited to join the Crossing Border | Border Crossing 2020 opening event. In response to the theme "Mong Kok", Mandy Yim and Nelson Hiu joined hand to interact with the projection of Victor Ma's performance in Mong Kok in 2008.


"Matches" Director's Cut


"Matches"'s live performance and live stream was cancelled in December. Our video team were able to complete the video recording in 1 day and release premiere broadcast 3 days after recording, Yet the broadcast version was not perfect. We are thankful for those who have supported "Matches".

We will be releasing a Director's Cut version of "Matches in January. Please look forward to further details from Y-Space!


OMTT Midterm showcase and final performance


After 5 month's hard work under the pandemic, OMTT students will conclude the first semester with the mid term showcase in the camp(Audience by invitation only.) Their graduation performance is scheduled in July 2021, all are welcomed!
The 3rd OMTT is expected to start in 2021, stay tuned for audition announcement!


Other 2021 projects...

- 《Dance IN Possiblež》VII
- 《Dancing All Around》in Yuen Long

Stay tuned for updated information!


Y-Space Membership

Y-Space membership 2021 is available for renewal and application! Y-Space membership allow priority entry in Y-Space activities and 10% off in Y-Space programme/ products. Please approach Y-Space office or apply through website! Keep an eye on Y-Space website for any new membership benefit!

Membership annual fee:HK$100 (Valid till 31 December 20212)

Enquiry:2470 0511/office@y-space.org



Tel: 2470 0511
Email: office@y-space.org
Web: www.y-space.org
Facebook: 「多空間」Y-Space
WhatsApp: 9331 5421