Gabbie CHAN


Gabbie Chan Hiu Ling, born in Hong Kong, graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Major in Chinese Dance. Chan was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships, Grantham Scholarships, HSBC Scholarships,etc. Besides, Chan was awarded Scholarship to the American Dance Festival in 2009. Chan Involved in Mystic Realm with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong SAR programme for Expo 2010 Shanghai: Crossing Borders & Arts‧Travel‧Two Cities, American Dance Festival 2009 H.Art Chao Flower of the bone, The Youth Studio of Dance Bilateral Project 2007 The Dream, The Journey.

In 2012 to 2014, Chan Joins the Dance Art company and Involved in the Hong Kong Dance Festival Illusion-art-space, In search of Hui Sin, M-cident, Twelve Corner, New Vision Arts Festival Lament of the Exile. In 2015, Chan Joins the Passoverdance. Chan’s choreography included He, She, It , Fabric, Whisper of Bubble etc. Chan is a Choreographer, Dancer and Dance Instructor.