黃寶蕾 Jasmin WONG





我在上水賽馬會石湖墟醫療所出世,住在打鼓嶺木湖村。木湖村位於新界邊境禁區,與深圳近在咫尺,由高處望,會看到深圳蓋滿密集高樓,高樓更不斷在建造中,香港這邊暫時只有零星工程,仍有大片綠地,明顯看到的那條界線很虛幻,大霧時好像看見海市蜃樓一樣。國共內戰爆發後,港英政府為遏止偷渡客,開始在中港邊界設立禁區,進出邊境禁區需要出示禁區許可證,又稱禁區紙,從此木湖村和其他邊界村落變得與世隔絕。以往禁令只有在清明節和重陽節才能豁免,因為很多人會到禁區拜祭祖先。平日來探望我們的親友需要在星期一至五到粉嶺警署辦理禁區紙,即使大時大節(如農曆新年)也不例外。記得我初中時因為未滿18 歲,進出邊境不用出示禁區紙,所以我邀請一班中學同學到我家燒烤,但經過警崗時心情仍然非常緊張,擔心同學會被警察查問或被拒絕通過,當然最後他們都安全通過禁區。




I am Jasmin Wong, Hongkonger. My parents, my brother, my sister and I were all born and live in Hong Kong together.

My grandfather stowed away from Chaozhou to Hong Kong when he was young. At first he was active in Kowloon then moved to Kwu Tung to live with relatives. After marriage he settled down in Muk Wu Tsuen.

My mother is Hakka. She lived in Tai Wo Hau when she was young.

My father speaks Teochew. But my mother knows nothing about Hakka Chinese. I only speak one Teochew sentence – Wah Ng Zai Lu Dah Mi Gai (I don’t know what you say)!

I was born in Shek Wu Hui Jockey Club Clinic, live in Muk Wu Tsuen which is right at the frontier closed area where we can see Shenzhen has been putting up many tall buildings. On the other side, Hong Kong only has a few constructions underway. The area had been closed by the British Hong Kong government since the outbreak of the Chinese Civil War to stop the stowaways. Closed area permits were needed to enter the area therefore Muk Wu Tsuen was rather isolated. The procedure could only be exempted on Ching Ming Festival and Chung Yeung Festival. When I was in junior high school, I invited my classmates to my house. We were all under 18 so the policy did not apply to us but I was still very nervous when we passed the police post.

My grandparents were farmers in Muk Wu Tsuen. Later my grandfather changed the arable farms into an animal farm. In the late 80s, imports from China replaced agriculture. My grandparents then retired and moved to Tai Wo. My father also changed his career as a Chinese medicine practitioner when I was in kindergarten. Our family moved to Shek Wu Hui for his convenience.

We lived in a tenement building in San Hong Street, Shek Wu Hui – the heart of Sheung Shui. Shek Wu Hui has been the commercial district in Sheung Shui since the 30s. However, the district has become the paradise of parallel trading which has severely affected our lives. Four years ago, my father’s clinic was forced to close because of the high rent. We then moved back to Muk Wu Tsuen.

As Man Kam To Frontier Closed Area was open in 2016 and the North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning began, Sheung Shui has become another Mong Kok – it is not a good place to live anymore. But I will stay in Hong Kong with my family. I hope we will be together no matter where we move to next.
